Thursday, October 20, 2005

Still shocked by The question: Are you gay?

You might have heard read it before and I'll probably say it again many times in the future: I have a very crappy job as a call center agent ("warm outbound" for those who know what that means). But my working hours are very flexible and it pays my bills so it matches my needs right now.

While working yesterday evening, a customer suddenly asked me if I was gay or straight after being on the phone for about one minute. I was flabbergasted! I didn't know how to respond; the first thing that popped into my mind was saying I thought that was a very personal question, so that's what I said. The customer told me he was curious if his suspicions were right, so I told him he was right: I am gay. He was content he was right. After my confession I asked him if he was gay; he wasn't.

The incident left me wondering about two things. First of all: is it that obvious I'm gay just by hearing my voice? Maybe... but most of my colleagues are still totally in the dark about the fact that I like men, even after working with me 16 hours a week for more than two months. The second thing that's bothering me is: why didn't I just respond by saying that I indeed am gay? Why was I flabbergasted and why did I consider refusing to tell the customer my sexual preference? If he had asked for my age or hair color I'd immediately answer him. I thought I was past the point that I made a point about telling anyone I'm gay. If someone asks me face-to-face, I've always told them I'm gay, even if it might have been wise not to. I'm confused... maybe it's because I was at "a non-sexual environment" like my job. (Ehrm... well, non-sexual... that's not entirely true. There are several very, very hot guys at work so I tend to think about sex regularly at work). Maybe it's because it was none of the customer's business. But still... The incident will probably haunt me for several more days.

PS. The customer did buy what I wanted to sell to him, even though initially he had doubts about buying it. He had no problems with the fact that I'm gay.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Webdesign escapades

I've finally (almost) finished the first version of my friend's website. She's a poet and I agreed on taking her photo's and making her a website. It has taken me a considerable amount of time due to other pressing issues, but it's finally getting close to completion. Lots of extra content will be added in the next few weeks, but her bio and first poem are finally online (in Dutch).

As a result I'm happy... a mood amplified because I'm listening to Hung Up on repeat for the 30th time today... and I'm still lovin' it! (Thank you Hot Lunch for posting it!)

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Ouch, that hurts!

Ouch, my legs hurt! Hurt really bad! I tried running my usual round this morning, but my joints and tendons started to become really painful after running just for 5 minutes. It was a very beautiful morning, so I had to try to go running. About 20ºC (68ºF) and sunny weather in mid-October is incredible weather for Dutch understandings. Here's this morning's photo from my phone/mp3-player/camera:

The cause of my sore joints and tendons is the run I did last Sunday: I participated in the annual '4 Mile of Groningen'. Just 6 months ago I wasn't even able to run for 2 minutes; after quitting smoking I took up running and the result was running the 4 mile in 36 minutes and 54 seconds. I am becoming a running addict... who would have guessed that last spring. Next year I want to go for the 30 minute mark... :)

Friday, October 07, 2005

Loves it!

Posted on is a singalong version of the upcoming single Hung Up. It sounds totally different from other "leaked" previews... the ABBA sample (Gimme, Gimme, Gimme) is very obvious... I love it!! I know now on what music I'll be dancing on in the local gay club in Groningen until (at least) Christmas. :)

Monday, October 03, 2005

Summer Storm (or Sommer Sturm)

Great movie I saw last Saturday: Sommer Sturm (that's the original German title, in English it's 'Summer Storm'). Yes, it's another coming of age movie, but this one was sooo incredibly recognisable for me. I watched it with a strange feeling in my stomach; it felt like a movie about my life about ten years ago. I think the film will be in theaters in the US in 2006. Here's a link to an English synopsis and a trailer (in German with French subtitles).