Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Ouch, that hurts!

Ouch, my legs hurt! Hurt really bad! I tried running my usual round this morning, but my joints and tendons started to become really painful after running just for 5 minutes. It was a very beautiful morning, so I had to try to go running. About 20ºC (68ºF) and sunny weather in mid-October is incredible weather for Dutch understandings. Here's this morning's photo from my phone/mp3-player/camera:

The cause of my sore joints and tendons is the run I did last Sunday: I participated in the annual '4 Mile of Groningen'. Just 6 months ago I wasn't even able to run for 2 minutes; after quitting smoking I took up running and the result was running the 4 mile in 36 minutes and 54 seconds. I am becoming a running addict... who would have guessed that last spring. Next year I want to go for the 30 minute mark... :)

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